10 Most Innovative Ideas from IITians

Walking on water

Walking on water may sound like a magic trick but our IITian have managed to invent a way to perform this.  Mirik Gogri and Ayush Jain, two IIT-Bombay alumni have made the impossible possible. The duo formed Humming Whale Product Innovations, a company that innovate path-breaking products and solutions. The team came up with a fun idea of walking on water, which they later transferred into a ride. They are now all set to introduce the product at various gaming zones, amusement parks, events and parties.

Re- writable T-shirts

After the invention of Walking on water, Mirik Gogri and Ayush Jain decided to come up with re-writable t-shirts.  Their fantastic idea is of a unique t-shirt on which you can write, erase and rewrite. The t-shirt was launched with a tremendous positive response among the youth. Currently, it’s selling in good numbers on bewakoof.com, which is the marketing partner for this product. It also got featured on the TV show Bigg Boss with Salman Khan.

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