10 Ideas From The CEOs That Can Bring Revolution In The World

4. Peter Arvai

Peter Arvai is the CEO and co-founder of Prezi, a cloud-based presentation software company.

Arvai believes that our society is facing huge challenges, from poverty to disease to climate change; these are challenges that are in need of creative leadership to find solutions.

According to Arvai, "When people are worried that others will judge them for their ideas or flaws, they shut down, we can create a safe space for free thinking by being completely open." It's important for leaders to open up their teams to creativity and innovation by making it OK to take risks.

5. Maynard Webb

Maynard Webb founded Webb Investment Network in 2010 and he is the former CEO of LiveOps and a former COO of eBay and chairman of the Board of Directors at Yahoo!

Moving up the corporate ladder and staying at the same company for life just isn't a common reality anymore, and Webb believes both companies and workers need to shift their outlook. In the Age of Entrepreneurship, when companies don’t last as long and employees want to work for themselves, we have to compete with new attitudes and new technologies.

Rather than concentrating on moving up within one specific company, employees should focus on generating outcomes, building their networks, maintaining positive attitudes, and staying honest about their own successes and failures.

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